cdr - CD Rip

Current Version: 3.0.0
Download: (Patched for cdda2wav instead of cdparanoia, also issues an hdparm command)


cdr is a Perl program that provides a simple console front-end to creating high-quality MP3s. Instead of just duplicating the README file here, I recommend you click the link above for a closer look at what cdr does.

NOTE: cdr is provided for users who want to make legal personal copies of their CDs or who want to turn their audio CDs into MP3 format for personal use. It is not provided for creating illegal copies of audio. I do not pirate audio, so don't ask me for anything. Use the program for what it's intended for. The funny part is, I'm actually serious about that. I'm digitizing all of my old cd's, and most rippers suck. 'nuff said.

What do I need?

Since cdr is a frontend, it requires many programs in order to do its work. cdr comes with most of the tools you'll need, but you need to make sure you have the following installed:

Here is a list of the types of programs you'll need and where to get them. The programs that come with cdr are marked with an [i]. cdr provides at least one program from each category, sometimes more. To use a supported program that is not provided, you'll have to get that on your own.


I just finished gutting cdr and focusing it on what its good at. The end result should be a front-end that's a lot less cumbersome, a lot easier to use, and a better strategy for adding features in the future. Let me know what you think.


cdr started its life as a project by David Cantrell. I had nothing to do with it at all until a couple weeks ago when I went searching for a solid, mostly-automated package to MP3-ify my CD collection via my Linux box.

cdr was the best thing I saw out there for my needs, but the twin events of my wanting some new features and David's getting hired into a busy job at Slackware provided the impetus for me to take reins on cdr for a bit. I have had very little to do with it so far, and certainly don't deserve much credit, so I just hope I shepherd it well (for David's sake), and I hope that you like it if you try it out.